I was contacted by the firm that I worked for and left over two years ago. It's local office had gone through a major restructuring (nice term for "laying everyone off" including most of the management team). They wanted to know if I was interested in coming back. I said I was willing to listen to what they had to say. I spoke to the new director of operations and the head recruiter, both whom retained their jobs after the 'mass cutting'. After a few weeks, an offer was made, re-negotiated and finalized. I have formally accepted this new job and new role, but I haven't informed my current manager and company yet. That will happen on Monday.
In retrospect, I was prepared to stay where I am for as long as the company continued employing its current staff up to the point that it sells its current asset portfolio. It appeared that a sale wouldn't be possible for at least three more years. But, now I guess that won't matter in the short-term, since I've decided to move on.
I'm taking a risk in this economy, but there are no guarantees regardless where you work. If the new job doesn't work out, maybe I can go back, or maybe not. I'm not going to worry about that, since I believe this move will be a successful one in the long run.
Change is good.
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