Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wide Awake Again

Can't get to sleep again. It's becoming a habit. So is taking benedryl to make me sleep. Sheepishly, I say, "Oh, I can quit any time". Exchanged a couple of emails with an old high school friend. Haven't seen him since he graduated. The past memories makes one realize how lucky one can be. They say success means different things to different people. I agree ... to me, success means staying out prison. If you're alive and well, why worry. Oversimplication, you say! Maybe, but sometimes the present is all that matters.

Trying to get over a stomach virus that hit me on Monday out of the blue. Not a delightful condition to have. I don't recall ever having a stomach virus before, but I know I've had worse. Since the symptons were familiar to a more serious condition I encountered 3-1/2 years ago, I went to my primary care doctor, just in case. It is a stomach virus .. it's been going around. I'm not sure how one catches it, but I guess the Gasparilla party in south Tampa may have been the source. Could've been the food or the drunk people slobbering on everyone. Hopefully, I'll be over it by tomorrow, cause I want to work on the golf game and play a round this weekend.

Kick in, Benedryl, kick in .. still waiting. No yawning, yet. Maybe, I'll just watch tv.
YAWNNN .. spoke to soon. Now, if I can get my cat to stop chasing bottle caps across the tile floor, I may be able to get some sleep.

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